Tech Salescraft
Welcome to Tech Salescraft, hosted by James Hounslow, CEO at North Starr. Driven to deliver and showcase excellence, the team at North Starr are ecstatic to be bringing you industry experts from across the technology sales world. Tech Salescraft hosts exclusive insights from leaders across the community. Whether it be exploring success journeys, culture and innovation, or challenges in an ever-changing landscape, this series will bring you the voices and opinions from some of the most exceptional minds in the industry.
Tech Salescraft
TECH SALESCRAFT - Anup Khera, Business Leader
North Starr
On this episode of Tech Salescraft, James is delighted to be joined by Business Leader Anup Khera.
Anup's insightful conversation with James takes us back to the fundamentals of successful businesses; and Anup reveals the the three critical 'P's' that accelerate any firm and allow them to execute the basics brilliantly. We also critically engage with the challenges of funding, addressing the need for honesty when acquiring funding to better understand future hurdles, allowing you to address them early on.
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Tech Salescraft is powered by North Starr, global leaders in technology sales recruitment. For more episodes or recruitment advice, please visit our website at