Tech Salescraft

Finding Ripe Opportunities for Investment | Tech Salescraft with Aviad Ben-Laish, Principal at StageOne Ventures

North Starr

‘One thing that is common to all of our entrepreneurs is that it always gets difficult. It's always more difficult than you initially expected.’

Today on Tech Salescraft, James is joined by Aviad Ben-laish, Principal at StageOne Ventures.

Aviad reveals invaluable insights from his experience working at an established Israeli venture capital firm, including what such firms look for when investing and what they look for in a partner.

James and Aviad then discuss the ins and outs of speaking to new founders, and how they can build the right pitch deck to impress potential investors. Aviad also outlines the key pieces of information that venture capital firms consider when evaluating companies, their founders and teams - before gazing into the crystal ball to speculate what 2024 might bring.

The conversation is wide-ranging and an essential listening experience for anyone in a sales or leadership position, offering a unique insight from a guest with a wealth of experience in venture capital investment.

Stream all other episodes of Tech Salescraft here.

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